

Hi, it's been 10 thousand years (jk, about 5 years) since my last post. Yup, I've decided to blog again. Why? 1. To have something I like to do.  Awhile ago a friend of mine told me to find something that I like to do as a way to stop myself from procrastinating. Having something I like to do by the end of the day can motivate myself to finish everything I have on hand. I thought about it and I said, "reading", then I kinda thought it sounded boring.  Hey, I'm not saying that reading is boring. It's just that in university, there are tons of readings to do before class. Besides doing assignments, your only homework is basically doing readings. So yeah, reading a book after a whole day of reading school materials just doesn't really sound like a good idea.  Then I thought, hey maybe writing? I always loved writing because it helps to clear my mind, but it always takes so long for me to write. I guess I always have a lot in my mind, which

20150425 // Free

" You a re   slaves   of no one except God, so behave like free people, and never use your freedom as a cover for wickedness." 1 Peter 2:16 Seeing this picture makes me feel free. I've always wanted to be like a bird, so I can fly to wherever I want to, free and easy. I'm not saying that I don't have freedom now, I do. Thanks to my mother, instead of controlling us, she gives us a lot of freedom. She lets us stay outside, she lets me pick whatever I want to study, she lets me join whatever I want to join. This semester is coming to an end, we have less than 30 days left I guess. And this is the time when we're all busy caught up with assignments. Yes, I have an assignment due tomorrow, on a Sunday night, great. I'm not supposed to be procrastinating but I am, all the time. There are times when I even choose sports over assignments, then I ended up sacrificing my sleep. This picture totally described me.  I met Ms. Mien that

20150407: My life at the moment.

Well.....Hi, finally I'm updating blog again. It's midnight now and yes I'm still wide awake... Taking break from studying. Yes, I have tests coming up. Ta-da. Well, I actually told myself I can't sleep till I'm done with one chapter of Chemistry. I'm half way there............ Chemistry and Calculus, love me like you do, please. I don't want to give up on any of you anymore. Okay, it's the last day of Easter holiday. This holiday is more like a study week for me actually. I need more time to study please. *Crai* It feels so good to have coffee again while studying. I tried to cut down coffee during Lent Season but I failed. It motivates me to study hahahahah. My love for coffee is unconditionally. Okay let's stop talking about studying. Let's talk about... LIFE. Forget about studies, I'm actually starting to get my life, I guess. Hahaha I got myself involve in quite a lot of activities. I started joining dodgeb

I miss you.

I'm still not over it, not at all. .... Although I thought I am. It's been months but I can still remember the pain, the pain of losing someone you love. My friend's mother passed away yesterday. My tears came out of my eyes as I was reading their (my friend and his siblings) posts. Yes, I felt their pain. So I decided to send them a private message to cheer them up but I don't know if it works. Because I'm not good at cheering people up and... It's just hard. I mean, it's just hard to accept that someone that you love so much is gone. I know how it feels like, I totally do. It was so hard for me to accept that he was gone. I was crying as I was typing the message to them, and even after sending it, I was still crying. Then I realized I still can't get over it. I was sitting on the bed, thinking of him. Hey uncle, so how are you doing there in the Heaven? You know I miss you, I know you do. Do you have fun there? Do you watch us from

28/5/2014 - The last day of Grade 11 first semester.

So it was the last day of my Grade 11 first semester today, we had parties in different classes and also, a last assembly of the semester, which was really really memorable. When I woke up this morning, I actually thought that today will be a happy day because we are finally done with all our assignments and there will be parties in some classes too. But then, I started thinking that there are also some students and teachers who are leaving as this semester ends. I was like, oh I should bring my sharpies to school today so I can leave my autograph on my friends' uniforms. So during the first period, they played the graduation song -- Friends Forever. I didn't actually know about the front part of the song, I actually thought it'll gonna be like some songs that make us high. But then, it wasn't. When I heard the chorus, I stunned. I heard this song before, it was so touching. We took photos in every period before leaving every class, except Marketing :P Ms. Frei

The Interview With God by Anonymous

So... I find this article is very meaningful, I liked this since few years ago and I wanted to share it. There you go. Me: I dreamed I had an interview with God. God: "So you would like to interview me?" God asked. Me: "If you have time," I said. God: God smiled. "My time is eternity... What questions do you have in mind for me?" Me: "What surprises you most about humankind?" God: God answered... "That they get bored with childhood, they rush to grow up, and then long to be children again." "That they lose their health to make money... and then lose their money to restore their health." "That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such that they live in neither the present nor the future." "That they live as if they will never die, and die as though they had never lived." Me: God's hand took mine and we were silent for awhile. And then I asked, "As a paren